This is a really, really, good post with a lot of useful advice not only for other businesses but consultants and pretty much everyone else as well.

Definitely interested in the LinkedIn sequencing - I've been getting soo many spam requests that I'm curious to see if there is a way of automating this which actually works.

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Interesting how you apply this in the consulting space... Richard, would you be able to provide an example?

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Sure, you can see part of the journey here: https://richardmillington.substack.com/p/consultantmaturitymodel.

When I got started I definitely began by going to competitor websites, figuring out what had worked for them, and then adjusting my messaging within that framework and finding a niche within that. But the research on the right phrases to use was very much there.

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This information is absolutely terrific! Wish there were more such articles that went to this level of granularity and startups at this stage. Please keep these coming!

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Glad to hear it!

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Useful overview and a lot of the early stuff from 0>10 resonates as it's the same strategy that we are employing. At the beginning, it's all about finding early signals for repeatability and ironing out the variability for scale. Super helpful, thanks Kyle!

Would be curious what Max does with the Nurture stage in Hubspot.

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